One Shuttle Doily

This doily is really easy to tat, and only requires one shuttle and ball thread! It was Shuttle tatted with Lizbeth size 20 in Vineyard Harvest (131) and Azalea Med. (620). Although I’ve learned through the handy hands color chart that Vineyard Harvest doesn’t actually contain and Azalea Med. in its mix, you could easily trick the eye into thinking it does. I’m not big on variegated threads, but I bought this one years ago and I figured I’d have to use it eventually. Rounds 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 were tatted with Vineyard Harvest and rounds 5 and 7 are in Azalea Med. If I could change anything about my color choice it would be introducing the solid pink color sooner. I wish I’d had the foresight to use it for rounds 1 and 3 as well.

Part of the fun in designing this doily is that I wanted to challenge myself to only use rings of one size. Every ring in this doily has 20 double stitches in it!

The finished doily is 9.5 inches in diameter (24 centimeters) and weighs 12 grams. According to my thread math, that means It takes about 100 yards of thread to complete.

Round 1: 6 rings- rings only. Leave a tiny bit of bare thread between rings so that they aren’t all squished together. All rings are 5 – 5 – 5 – 5.

Round 2: 12 rings total. Each ring is 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 and the chains are 6 – 6.

Round 3: 24 rings total. Rings are 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 and chains are 5 – 5.

Round 4: 12 flowers made of 6 rings each ( just like the center except with different picot placement). Flowers are not connected to each other, they are joined to round 3. Each ring is 5 – 4 – 2 – 4 – 5. Use the inner picots to join to round 3.

Round 5: 48 rings total. Depending on your tension you may want to adjust to which picots in round 4 you join to. Difference in results would be minimal, and you always block afterwards if you encounter issues. All rings are 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 and chains are 4 – 4.

Round 6: 12 arches that are each tatted separately. Arches are joined to each other by the second chain on each side. Every ring is of the arch is 5- 10 – 5. 1st and 9th chains are 3-3 and all chains in between are 5 – 5.

Round 7: first ring is 5 – 5 + (join to 3rd chain of arch) 5 – 5. Second ring is 5 + (join to last picot of previous ring) 5 +(join to opposite arch) 5 – 5. Chains following and preceding rings are 9 – 9. All other chains are 8 – 8.

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